Avatar Symbiotic Society Project
Ishiguro Hiroshi (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
Research Term:2021/04–2022/03
Rechargeable batteries are essential to our society and our lives. In this project, we are aiming to realize a sustainable and prosperous society by developing a new type of battery that incorporates a unique idea of multi-electron transfer reaction based on lithium-ion battery technology. By using materials that reacts with two or more electrons, the capacity can be doubled, tripled, or even more. The high energy batteries are safe and environmentally friendly, which will excite the world.
ORLIB Limited
Ph.D: Osaka University, 1995, M.S: Tokyo University of Agriculture and technology 1981
1981-1991 Kao Corporation, 1991-2007 NEC Corporation
2007-2015 Murata Manufacturing Corporation, 2015-2016 Yamagata University
2017-2020 The Unversity of Tokyo, 2020- ORLIB Limited
I dream of a future in which the seeds of small ideas come out, grow with the help and support of many people, and change society wonderfully.
Ishiguro Hiroshi (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
Ochiai Yoichi (Research and Development Center for Digital Nature, University of Tsukuba)
Kawakami Yasuo (Faculty of Sport Sciences; Human Performance Laboratory, Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University)
Yamaguchi K. Masami (Department of Psychology, Chuo University)
Minamizawa Kouta (Keio University Graduate School of Media Design)
Watanabe Kazuya (Laboratory of Bioenergy Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Furukawa Hidemitsu (Soft and Wet matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL), Yamagata University)
Takanori Takebe (Osaka University & Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
Endo Toshiya (Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)