In this project, we got three professionals – poet TANIKAWA Shuntaro,  Comedian/Manzai-shi OZAWA Kazuhiro, and OBA Misuzu, who has written books based on her experience of raising a child – to challenge to mirror their own tacit knowledge and professional skills using generative AI (ChatGPT), which is attracting increasing social interest. An original video of the challenge will be shown at the venue.

AI technology is getting better at tasks such as translation and image recognition, sometimes even better than humans. In addition, technologies of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can interact with us in our everyday language, and can flexibly perform a wide range of tasks. Focusing on this feature, we asked three language professionals to interact with ChatGPT and to talk about the depth of human communication in poetry creation, comedy performances, child-rearing.

In the video, Ms. Oba is confused, saying that what ChatGPT says is too righteous for parenting ....... Mr. Ozawa struggles with trying to get it to say what he would say in a comedy story. And Mr.Tanikawa is told that one phrase in one of his own poems "has no particular meaning". As they interacted with the ChatGPT, the three became aware of the gap between the AI-generated text and their own senses. In the conclusion, they talked about the possibilities of their relationship with the ChatGPT.

Furthermore, by adding the panel exhibition organizing the question, "What is human intelligence and creativity?". This is being discussed once again due to the widespread use of generative AI. Plus, we will also challenge science communication to think, with visitors, about the factors that have made this technology such a hot topic, and its impact on people and society.

Venue Entrance
Video Exhibition
Panel Exhibition

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Contents will be added once a week until the end of the exhibition.

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Professional skills beyond words: Can Generative AI mirror it?
Wednesday, September 13 to Monday, November 13, 2023
An area in front of the information desk, 3F, Miraikan
Admission fee
Viewing assistance
We have made a webpage with a text summary of the exhibition panels as a viewing assistance for those who need it.
Text summary (coming soon)
Miraikan - The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation