
テーマ 募集テーマに沿った内容か。
表現力 映像表現としての完成度や美しさがあるか。
技術力 球体ディスプレイの特性を生かし、球体への表示を考慮しているか。
ストーリー性 与えられた時間内で魅力的にストーリーを展開しているか。
テーマ 募集テーマに沿った内容か。
表現力 映像表現としての完成度や美しさがあるか。
技術力 球体ディスプレイの特性を生かし、球体への表示を考慮しているか。
ライブ性 ライブコンテンツであることを生かした作品になっているか。
テーマ 募集テーマに沿った内容か。
実現性 現時点での実現性は問わないが、将来的なビジョンがあるか。
活用性 ジオ・コスモスを活かした提案内容になっているか。
新規性 独自性、創造性がある斬新な内容になっているか。






国立天文台理論研究部教授、天文シミュレーションプロジェクト長。東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻修了。博士(学術)。専門は惑星系形成論。 理論とシミュレーションを駆使して惑星系形成の素過程を明らかにし、多様な惑星系の起源を描き出すことを目指す。コンピュータグラフィックスを用いて宇宙を4次元的に目の当たりにすること目指す4次元デジタル宇宙プロジェクトも手がける。



CDジャケットや本の装丁などのアートディレクターとして活動をはじめ、 友人のミュージシャンのMV制作を頼まれた事から映像制作をはじめる。 現在ではCM、MV、ショートフィルム、などの映像作品を中心に、webやグラフィックなどの企画など様々なジャンルで国内外問わず制作中。これからも。


Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo エグゼクティブ・クリエイティブ・ディレクター

英国ロイヤルカレッジオブアート(Royal College of Art)、インタラクションデザイン科卒。 その後、ソニー株式会社勤務を経て、英国ロンドンに本拠を置くクリエイティブ集団tomatoに所属。インターネット広告やコーポレートアイデンティティなどの分野でインタラクティブな作品を発表。 個人としての活動領域も、アート、文筆、教育など多岐にわたる。2011年春から拠点をロンドンから東京に移し、ワイデン+ケネディ トウキョウのエグゼクティブクリエイティブディレクターに就任。


アーティスト / 慶應義塾大学SFC教授




一般社団法人Think the Earth 理事 / プロデューサー

1965年生まれ。東京大学大学院工学系研究科修了。広告代理店勤務を経て、2000年に株式会社スペースポート、2001年にThink the Earth設立。以来、コミュニケーションを通じて環境や社会について考え、行動するきっかけづくりを続けている。主な仕事に地球時計wn-1、携帯アプリ「live earth」、書籍『百年の愚行』『1秒の世界』『グリーンパワーブック 再生可能エネルギー入門』、プラネタリウム映像「いきものがたり」など多数。多摩美術大学客員教授。



1972年生まれ 放送作家 千葉県千倉町出身。19歳で放送作家デビュー。2002年森三中の大島美幸と結婚。その結婚生活を描いたエッセイ「ブスの瞳に恋してる」はベストセラーに。小説「芸人交換日記~イエローハーツの物語~」、「美幸」、「名刺ゲーム」や、映画脚本「ハンサム★スーツ」、「ONE PIECE FILM Z」、「新宿スワン」を執筆。舞台の作・演出、ラジオパーソナティ等様々な各方面で活躍。


地球情報基盤センター センター長



明和電機 代表取締役社長



日本科学未来館 館長



Selection criteria

Movie category
Theme Does the content of the work correspond to the contest’s theme?
Expressiveness Is the visual work complete and beautiful?
Technology Does the work take advantage of the unique features of the spherical display?
Storyline Does the story develop in an interesting way within the given time?
Live Content category
Theme Does the content of the work correspond to the contest’s theme?
Expressiveness Is the visual work complete and beautiful?
Technology Does the work take advantage of the unique features of the spherical display?
Liveliness Does the work belong to a live content category?
Idea category
Theme Does the content of the work correspond to the contest’s theme?
Feasibility Is the work feasible? (Immediate realization is not required)
Utility Does the proposed idea make use of the Geo-Cosmos?
Novelty Is the work creative and original?


The committee consist of members active in the forefront of art and science related fields.

Jury members of Movie category and Live Content category

Eiichiro Kokubo


Professor of the Division of Theoretical Astronomy and director of the Center for Computational Astrophysics at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Graduated from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo. Ph.D. His major is theory of formation of planetary systems. He uses theoretical physics and computer simulations to explore elementary processes of planet formation and aims to construct a general theory for the formation of diverse planetary systems. He is also the director of 4-Dimensional Digital Universe Project that visualizes astronomical data in 4-dimensions with computer graphics.

Koichiro Tsujikawa

Video artist

His career started as an art director for CD covers and book covers. He later started to produce movies after his friend, a musician, asked him to shoot a music video for him. He now mainly produces movies, including commercials, music videos and short films. His field of activity has been also expanded to other genres, such as planning for websites and graphics.

Tota Hasegawa

Executive Creative Director, Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo

He is a graduate of the Design Interaction Programme of Royal College of Art, U.K. After working at Sony Corporation, he joined the London-based artist group, "tomato". He published interactive creations in the fields of internet advertising and corporate identity. His activities as an individual also range from art to writing and education. He moved his base from London to Tokyo in spring 2011, and took the chair of Executive Creative Director at Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo.

Akira Wakita


He earned his Ph.D. degree in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2002. He developed original software based on fluid-dynamics and thermodynamics models, striving for visualization across science and art. His works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Center, WRO Art Center and SIGGRAPH. In 2014, he was appointed as a professor in the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.

Jury members of Idea category

Soichi Ueda

Think the Earth Director / Producer

Born in 1965. Graduated from the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. After working at an advertising agency, he established SPACEPORT Inc. in 2000 and Think the Earth in 2001. Since then, he has kept working on creating opportunities to think about and take actions for the environment and society through communication. His main works include Earth Watch wn-1, the mobile application "live earth", publications titled One Hundred Years of Idiocy, Global Change in One Second, and Green Power Book. Renewable Energy Guide as well as a video for planetariums "A story of Biodiversity". A Visiting Professor and Lecturer at Tama Art University.

Osamu Suzuki

Broadcast writer

Born in 1972, in Chikura-cho Chiba Prefecture. He made his debut as a broadcast writer when he was 19 years old.
In 2002 he got married to Ms. Miyuki Oshima of the comical trio “Morisanchu”. He wrote a best seller essay in which he described his married life. He also wrote novels and movie scripts.
He is a theatrical producer, a radio personality, and active in other fields as well.

Dr. Keiko Takahashi

Director-General Center for Earth Information Science and Technology (CEIST), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

Dr. Takahashi received her Ph.D. in Engineering from the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology. After engaging in research at Kao Corporation, University of Cambridge and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, she began her career at JAMSTEC and was appointed Director-General of CEIST in 2014.
She is engaged in academic activity as Member of the Science Council of Japan, Director of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Director of the Visualization Society of Japan, and member of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Association for Computing Machinery, International Federation of Automatic Control, etc.
Her research fields include “large-scale simulation and prediction of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena” and “massive parallelization and high speed commuting technology.”

Novmichi Tosa

Maywa Denki President

The art unit produced by Novmichi Tosa.
While wearing blue working clothes, which is a typical style of small businesses that supported Japan's high economic growth, they develop and introduce various nonsense machines all over the world in forms of concert and exhibition.
Also they develop mass products such as an note shaped electronic musical instrument "Otamatone". Maywa Denki's first retrospective exhibition in China was held and had a great success at McaM in Shanghai. At the same year, they also held an exhibition after 20 years in Osaka, Japan.

Mamoru Mohri

Chief Executive Director, Miraikan

Born in 1948. Doctor of Science. He was an assistant professor of Hokkaido University and was selected as the first Japanese astronaut in 1985.
When he flew aboard the space shuttle Endeavor in 1992 and 2000, he conducted some space experiments and data collection for the creation of a 3D land map of the Earth.
In 2000, he took the chair of the first Chief Executive Director of Miraikan. He also boarded Shinkai 6500 in 2003 to conduct scientific experiments. In the same year, he broadcast a total eclipse of the sun at the South Pole.
In 2011, he started the "TSUNAGARI" project. His field of study includes fusion material science, vacuum science, space experiments, and science communication.
