
Miraikan notebook

Daily Use

Find the ‘Why?’,
think about it, and do it.

Miraikan notebook

This is a smartphone app for experiencing
Miraikan’s proposal for “a way of thinking
to create the future” at Miraikan as well as
in your everyday life.

The app offers a note-taking function,
categorizing thoughts that occur to you
into questions, ideas, and actions.
It helps turning “a way of thinking to create
the future” into a daily habit.

App StoreGoogle Play

Usage at Miraikan

Three features to triple
the fun during your visit.

Audio Guide

The audio guide will provide you
with background context and
information for further understanding
of the exhibits.

PhoneAudio Guide Capture

Model Course “Quests”

Themes such as “If you got to hangout
with aliens, what would you want to do?”
for you to explore the exhibits through
eight different perspectives.

PhoneModel Course “Quests” Capture

AR Photo Shoot

Take a photo with Geo-Cosmos
as background to capture an
one-and-only AR-enhanced moment.

PhoneAR Photo Shoot Capture

Miraikan notebook

Asking “Why?” is where science starts.

Posing questions, Thinking,
Formulating hypotheses.
Discover your answers,
and act upon them.
In this way, human
have been creating their future.

The Miraikan notebook is
an app to experience the
“a way of thinking to create the future.”

We invite you to use
this app at Miraikan,
as well as in your everyday life.

Planet Earth now faces
never before encountered problems.
At the same time,
new possibilities surface endlessly.

In such times,
rather than trying to
resolve issues with model answers,
we must pose our own questions.

From here, we find answers,
take action, and change society.

The collective efforts of each person
will lead to a better future.