Avatar Symbiotic Society Project
Ishiguro Hiroshi (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
Research Term:2020/04–2023/03
Revealing unconscious processes of humans: Implicit processes of mind and brain underlie human intelligence and creativity. This project investigates implicit and automatic processes in human-machine and human-human interactions by measuring unconscious cognitive processes, body movements, and physiological/neural responses.
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Born in Niigata 1973. Katsumi Watanabe is Professor at Waseda University. He received B.A in experimental psychology and M.A. in life sciences from the University of Tokyo and his PhD in Computation and Neural Systems from California Institute of Technology.
We are interested in scientific investigations on explicit and implicit processes in human perception, cognition, action, and communication. We would like to share the wonder that our subjective experience can be investigated scientifically.
Ishiguro Hiroshi (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
Ochiai Yoichi (Research and Development Center for Digital Nature, University of Tsukuba)
Kawakami Yasuo (Faculty of Sport Sciences; Human Performance Laboratory, Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University)
Yamaguchi K. Masami (Department of Psychology, Chuo University)
Minamizawa Kouta (Keio University Graduate School of Media Design)
Watanabe Kazuya (Laboratory of Bioenergy Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
Furukawa Hidemitsu (Soft and Wet matter Engineering Laboratory (SWEL), Yamagata University)
Takanori Takebe (Osaka University & Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
Endo Toshiya (Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)